5 Tips to Stay Healthy This Summer
Start the summer off right. RMYC’s Registered Dietitian Julie Gardner offers expert advice to keep our kids and families on track with healthy eating during the summer. Julie recently joined RMYC to provide nutrition services and manage the Food Pantry. We’re excited to have her to support our Get Fit program and other services to support the health of our patients.
Hydrate – Make sure you are getting enough fluids, especially when it’s hot out. Kids need 5-7 glasses of water each day, depending on their age. Adults require 8 – 10 glasses of water a day. If water seems less than exciting, try making ice cubes with small pieces of fruit in them, or fruit juice ice cubes to cool your water down and add a little flavor.
Eat lots of fruits and vegetables – Summer is the best time to buy a wide variety of fresh fruits and vegetables, and they’re less expensive when

they’re in season. Try eating at least one serving (1 piece or ½ cup) of fruit or vegetables at every meal and snack.
Try eating an alternative protein at least once a week. Instead of meat, try using beans. Beans are high in protein and fiber, and lower in fat. Tofu is another great choice, and is less expensive than meat.
Be active. Kids need about an hour of moderate physical activity per day and adults need about 30 minutes a day. Take a walk or bike ride with the family after dinner, or play an active game with the kids. Family activities are a great time to re-connect with everyone.
Keep your outdoor party foods safe. Always use a thermometer to make sure your meats are heated to the proper temperature. If you are serving salads, side dishes, or desserts outdoors put them on ice, or be sure they get back in the refrigerator after 2 hours.