
We support families in feeling knowledgeable about taking care of themselves and their kids. Our staff will answer questions and clear up nutrition misinformation. Our belief is that families are the experts on their own lives, and we are here to support them.

Health at Every Size (HAES)

HAES is a shift to focus on health behaviors and not weight.

  • Weight is not a behavior.
  • Weight = genetics, socioeconomic status, and life experiences.
  • Weight ≠ health.

Intuitive Eating

Trusting our bodies’ innate wisdom to decide how much to eat, what to eat.

  • Eating a variety, flexible eating.
  • Respecting cultural foods.
  • Using the “add in approach” if nutrients are missing.
  • Food is a very enjoyable part of life.

The links below are strictly for informational purposes and are neither endorsed by Every Child Pediatrics, nor meant to be a guide to diagnose or treat illness. All medical questions or concerns should be addressed with your medical provider.


Mailing Address:
9197 Grant Street, Suite 100
Thornton, Colorado 80229

Billing Department:
Mon – Fri, 8 am to 5 pm

Dirección de envio:
9197 Grant Street, Suite 100
Thornton, Colorado 80229

Departamento de facturación:
Lu – Vi, 8 am to 5 pm