
Colorado Children

Lost their health coverage this year alone. $25/month helps uninsured children get care now.
every dollar you give through December 31, 2024 will be matched—doubling your impact for Colorado’s children.

Founder’s Circle

Colorado’s most generous philanthropists who believe every child deserves access to health care and the opportunity to thrive.

The Founder’s Circle is an esteemed group of business and philanthropic leaders who devote time, talent, and funds to ensure the founding mission of Every Child Pediatrics endures for years to come. Each member invests $5,000 or more annually in our effort to seek out Colorado’s most vulnerable children, provide access to high-quality health care, and ensure every child has the opportunity to thrive.

The Impact of $5,000


without health insurance can access comprehensive care for their children


have access to dental hygiene services to prevent dental disease

Our Mental Health PRoviders

can staff each of our school-based health centers to provide counseling

New Mothers

receive diapers & other vital newborn resources from our Care Navigators

Member Benefits

As a Founder’s Circle member, you will receive guidance on achieving your philanthropic goals, have exclusive access to year-round networking and engagement opportunities, discounted tickets to signature events and annual golf tournament, and receive recognition throughout the year for your exceptional contribution to the Colorado community. Learn more about member benefits by contacting founderscircle@everychildpediatrics.org

Founder’s Circle for
Major Giving

Contributions over $5,000

Kelly & Jeremy Ballenger
Dr. Jennifer Burns & Edward Pulido
John & Anna Burns
Butte Avenue
Dane & Jenna Cella
Alex & Jennifer Cmil
Jim & Sally Conley
Cynthia & Todd Grover
Elizabeth Hampton and Youssef Chihab
Eric & Jill Hubbell
Kelly Joines & Christoph Hansel
Howard & Roberta Lipshutz
Anthony & Julie Long
Dr. Laura & Dan Luzietti
Dr. Matthew and Anna Moles
Jon & Julie Moses
Dr. Cheryl & Harvey Saipe
Scott & Tricia Schmid
Reed Smith
Christina Tennican & Dr. Erick Anderson
Tisa & Christian Van Dyke
Dr. Kim White
Dr. Larry Wolk


Mailing Address:
9197 Grant Street, Suite 100
Thornton, Colorado 80229

Billing Department:
Mon – Fri, 8 am to 5 pm

Dirección de envio:
9197 Grant Street, Suite 100
Thornton, Colorado 80229

Departamento de facturación:
Lu – Vi, 8 am to 5 pm